Spider-Man Special Volume 1 - The End of the Spider-Verse

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sale price€18,99

Type: Paperback

Format: Softcover

Language: German

Published: 2023

Number of pages: 172

Publisher: Panini

Condition: As good as new

Story: The start of a new Spidey series may mark the end of the Spider-Verse! The connection of all realities in which there are web-swinging heroes is threatened by the evil wasp goddess Shathra, who is plunging the Spider-Verse into darkness. On the Marvel capital Earth-616, Spider-Man is attacked by wasps, and as if that wasn't enough, Morlun, one of the most dangerous enemies of all spider heroes, also appears. Miles Morales, Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Woman and many others rush to help, but in this battle for the fate of the Spider-Verse, nothing is as it seems. A dark and action-packed adventure that shakes the web of the spider heroes!