CGC Video Game Grading Service

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sale price€69,99

We send your comics to CGC, the largest grading company in the world. CGC is known worldwide and is recognized by every collector when selling. The condition of your video game is rated from 0.5 - 10.0 (games still in their original packaging are rated from C to A++). The video game is then encapsulated to secure its condition, making it an optimal investment.

Value: The value of each individual video game must be under $2500 (value refers to the video game before grading, reference points can be portals such as eBay). Contact us if the value is over $2500.

Duration of the grading service: 3 months


Bestelle mehrere Grading-Services und erhalte attraktive Rabatte:

3 Grading für 3% Rabatt
Einfach 3x den Grading-Service in den Warenkorb legen, der Rabatt wird automatisch angewendet.
5 Grading für 5% Rabatt Beliebt
Einfach 5x den Grading-Service in den Warenkorb legen, der Rabatt wird automatisch angewendet.
10 Grading für 10% Rabatt
Einfach 10x den GradingService in den Warenkorb legen, der Rabatt wird automatisch angewendet

Our service

Your advantages


You don't need a CGC membership subscription (no registration required). Since we ship the video games in packages of 25, we can offer you a cost-effective service. We ship a package to CGC every 1-2 weeks.

You don't need a CGC membership subscription (no registration required). Since we ship the video games in packages of 25, we can offer you a cost-effective service. We ship a package to CGC every 1-2 weeks.

3 months


Detailed description of the grading service. We will inform you regularly by email about the status of your video games.

Reviews of our service

Dominic H.

Unfortunately, I can only give 5 stars. I sent a comic in for grading. Everything went perfectly from start to finish, I got an immediate answer to any questions! My graded comic arrived yesterday...9.8, what can I say 🤩 I can 100% recommend Comic King to everyone 👌👌👌

Philipp H.

I had two magazines sent to CGC via ComicKing and I am more than satisfied. My questions were answered very quickly beforehand and I was helped with my problem. I sent the magazines to ComicKing and from then on I didn't have to worry about anything else, the processing and everything around it was super relaxed.

Jost F.

I am most enthusiastic about ComicKing's grading service! These two comics arrived today - after only 6 weeks since sending my comics to ComicKing. I am very impressed with the result. I will be submitting some more of my comics for CGC grading. Thanks, Niklas & Co. Nuff said!

Before grading / After grading

Grading is more than just a number on your game box; it's a step to clearly establish the value of your video games. Let's say you own a game that is rare and also a piece of your personal gaming history. Maybe it was the game that led you to long nights of gaming or one that you were finally able to welcome into your collection after a long search.

When you send this game through the grading process, you and others will receive an official record of its condition. It sends a clear message to other collectors and potential buyers: This game has verified and confirmed value. It's not just about personal appreciation; it's about your game being officially recognized in the collecting world.

Encapsulation is the practical aspect: it protects your game from aging and wear and tear. This way, not only the emotional value of your game is preserved, but also its financial value. With CGC Video Game Grading, you give your games official recognition that underlines their place in your collection and in the gaming world.

Grading explained✅

Sonic Mania Videospiel vor dem CGC Grading


Sonic Mania Videospiel nach dem CGC Grading



Questions about the CGC Video Game Grading Service:

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