Grading service offers

We send your comics to CGC/CBCS, the largest grading companies in the world. These are known worldwide and are recognized by every comic collector when selling. The condition of your comic is rated from 0.5 - 10.0. The comic is then encapsulated to secure its condition, making it an optimal investment.

The grading scale explained

If you've ever wondered what the numbers on the grading scale really mean, here's a simple explanation: This scale is like the grading system in school for your collectibles. It ranges from 1 to 10 and gives you and everyone else a clear insight into the condition of your treasure.

The official grading guide from CGC provides even more detailed insights!

This evaluation will help you understand the condition of your collector's item and also better estimate its value. As in many areas of life, quality makes a big difference here too.

10 – Perfection

A 10 is like the gold medal in grading - your collectible is in absolutely pristine condition, with no scratches, dents or other defects. It's as if time had stopped at the exact moment the piece was made.

6 to 9 – Very good to excellent

This range indicates that your piece is in very good condition, but may have a few minor imperfections. For example, a 9 might mean minimal wear that is barely noticeable, while a 6 indicates more visible signs of wear.

1 to 5 – Fair to Good

Here we are in an area where the collectibles show clear signs of wear. A 5 might show light scratches or wear, while a 1 means the piece has significant flaws.

Our service

Your advantages


With us, you save yourself the hassle of registering with grading services such as Beckett, CGC, PSA or CBCS. We bundle the shipping of your collectibles and thus offer you a particularly cost-efficient service.

With us, you save yourself the hassle of registering with grading services such as Beckett, CGC, PSA or CBCS. We bundle the shipping of your collectibles and thus offer you a particularly cost-efficient service.

CGC Authorized Dealer Wir sind offizieller Partner der Certified Grading Company (CGC)

Questions and Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

We answer the most frequently asked questions about the grading service. Is your question not included? No problem, contact us via the chat function, social media or by email.

Average response time: <10 minutes

Die Grading-Skala erklärt

Wenn du dich je gefragt hast, was die Zahlen auf der Grading-Skala wirklich bedeuten, hier ist eine einfache Erklärung: Diese Skala ist wie das Bewertungssystem in der Schule für deine Sammlerstücke. Sie reicht von 1 bis 10 und gibt dir und allen anderen einen klaren Einblick, in welchem Zustand sich dein Schatz befindet.

Der offizielle Grading Guide von CGC gibt noch detailiertere Einblicke!

Diese Bewertung hilft dir, den Zustand deines Sammlerstücks zu verstehen und auch den Wert besser einzuschätzen. Denn wie in vielen Bereichen des Lebens macht auch hier Qualität einen großen Unterschied.

10 – Perfektion

Eine 10 ist wie die Goldmedaille im Grading – dein Sammlerstück ist in absolut makellosem Zustand, ohne Kratzer, Dellen oder andere Mängel. Es ist, als hätte man die Zeit angehalten, genau in dem Moment, als das Stück hergestellt wurde.

6 bis 9 – Sehr gut bis Ausgezeichnet

Dieser Bereich zeigt, dass dein Stück in einem sehr guten Zustand ist, aber vielleicht ein paar kleine Makel hat. Eine 9 könnte beispielsweise eine minimale Abnutzung bedeuten, die man kaum sieht, während eine 6 auf sichtbarere Gebrauchsspuren hinweist.

1 bis 5 – Fair bis Gut

Hier befinden wir uns in einem Bereich, wo die Sammlerstücke deutlich Gebrauchsspuren aufweisen. Eine 5 könnte leichte Kratzer oder Abnutzungen zeigen, während eine 1 bedeutet, dass das Stück erhebliche Mängel aufweist.

Reviews of our service


Dominic H.

Unfortunately, I can only give 5 stars. I sent a comic in for grading. Everything went perfectly from start to finish, I got an immediate answer to any questions! My graded comic arrived yesterday...9.8, what can I say 🤩 I can 100% recommend Comic King to everyone 👌👌👌


Jost F.

I am most enthusiastic about ComicKing's grading service! These two comics arrived today - after only 6 weeks since sending my comics to ComicKing. I am very impressed with the result. I will be submitting some more of my comics for CGC grading. Thanks, Niklas & Co. Nuff said!


Phillip H.

I had two magazines sent to CGC via ComicKing and I am more than satisfied. My questions were answered very quickly beforehand and I was helped with my problem. I sent the magazines to ComicKing and from then on I didn't have to worry about anything else, the processing and everything around it was super relaxed.


Offers for commercial traders

Are you a commercial dealer and would like to use our grading service regularly? Then contact us ( and let's talk about your individual conditions!

Discount on grading

We offer discounted prices for commercial dealers. Email us and receive a free quote!

Discount on comics

Would you like to expand your shop with American comics and/or graded comics? We can also make you an attractive offer here!

Pre-order comics

Would you like to pre-order the latest comics from Marvel, DC and co. at bargain prices or offer this option to your customers? Write to us at

Before Grading / After Grading

Comic grading is the process of determining the condition of a comic. Comics can be graded by grading companies such as CGC or CBCS. A comic can achieve a condition of 0.5 -10.0. Graded comics are particularly suitable as an investment because the cover protects the condition of the comic.

Grading explained✅

Star Wars #25 vor dem Grading


Star Wars #25 nach dem Grading

