Your Friendly Neighbor Spider-Man 1 - The Streets of New York
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Type: Paperback
Format: Softcover
Language: German
Published: 2020
Number of pages: 148
Publisher: Panini
Condition: As good as new
Story: Friendly neighborhood web-slinger Spider-Man once again stands up for his fellow human beings - even when they are threatened by super-strong agents of an alien power! But while Peter Parker fights as Spidey, his personal life is shaken by devastating news: Aunt May has bad news for him. Despite all the chaos, Peter finds time to make a boy's biggest dream come true. Curtain up for Spider-Man's unexpected new sidekick: Spider-Bite! An adventure full of heart, humor and action that shows why Spider-Man is the hero next door.

Your Friendly Neighbor Spider-Man 1 - The Streets of New York
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