20x Grading + Golden Age Grading

Sale price€1.050,00
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our service

your advantages


You don't need a CGC Membership subscription (no registration required). Since we ship the comics in packages of 25, we can offer you a cost-effective service. We ship a package to CGC every 1-2 weeks.

You don't need a CGC Membership subscription (no registration required). Since we ship the comics in packages of 25, we can offer you a cost-effective service. We ship a package to CGC every 1-2 weeks.

2 months


Detailed description from the grading service. We will inform you regularly by e-mail about the status of your comics.

reviews of our service

Dominic H.

Unfortunately, I can only give 5 stars. I sent a comic in for grading. Everything went perfectly from start to finish, I got an immediate answer to any questions! My graded comic arrived yesterday...9.8, what can I say 🤩 I can 100% recommend Comic King to everyone 👌👌👌

Philipp H.

I had two magazines sent to CGC via ComicKing and I am more than satisfied. My questions were answered very quickly beforehand and I was helped with my problem. I sent the magazines to ComicKing and from then on I didn't have to worry about anything else, the processing and everything around it was super relaxed.

Jost F.

I am most enthusiastic about ComicKing's grading service! These two comics arrived today - after only 6 weeks since sending my comics to ComicKing. I am very impressed with the result. I will be submitting some more of my comics for CGC grading. Thanks, Niklas & Co. Nuff said!

Before grading / After grading

Comic grading is the name given to the process of determining the condition of a comic. Comics can be graded by grading companies such as CGC or CBCS. A comic can reach a state of 0.5 -10.0. There are various parameters that can be used to reliably determine the condition of a comic.

Grading explained✅

Spider-Man #1 Silver Edition


Spider-Man #1 Silver Edition CGC Graded 9.8 Bewertung



(1975 - present)

Questions about the CGC Grading Service Modern

CGC (Certified Guaranty Company) is a leading grading company that objectively evaluates the condition of comics and encapsulates them in a secure case. The grading process typically takes 2-3 months, depending on the number of submissions and processing time at CGC.

We answer the most important questions about modern CGC grading here.