Sicher dir 10% Rabatt auf den Comic und Grading-Service

Spare 10% auf beide Artikel

Comic und Grading-Servic bei uns kaufen, um 10% auf beides zu sparen

Exklusive Rabattaktion

What is the grading service?

ComicKing submits your comics to the largest grading company in the world! We take over the complete bureaucratic effort as well as any
Customs, shipping and insurance costs. This way you can read comics instead of having to fill out long forms. Our cost-effective offering starts at €54.99 per comic.

Click here for the offer

Hulk #8 Comic vor dem Grading


Hulk #8 Comic nach dem Grading



Our Service


Preparing your order

We prepare your comics for shipment to CGC. We will not send you the comic beforehand.

We prepare your comics for shipment to CGC. We will not send you the comic beforehand.

Bundle Angebot 10% auf Comic und Grading-Service sichern

10% auf Comic & Grading-Service

Sicher dir den exklusiven Rabatt

Füge den Comic über den Link (siehe Bild links) zum Warenkorb hinzu, um ihn direkt über CGC bewerten zu lassen. So sparst du 10% auf den Comic und den Grading-Service. Das Feld befindet sich unter der Produktbeschreibung.

Comic-Bewertung von CGC

CGC - Certified Grading Company

With more than 10 million certified collectibles since 2000, CGC is the world's largest and most trusted third-party grading service for comics, trading cards, magazines, concert posters and related collectibles.

Verkapselung Gradingprozess von CGC

Then the grading is worthwhile

Comic grading is worthwhile for several reasons. First, your comic is encapsulated in CGC's high-quality sleeve, ensuring the comic's condition. Unlike unrated comics, graded comics remain in their condition, even after 10, 20 or more years! In addition, graded comics are particularly suitable as an investment. You can often sell your comics for more than you bought them. everything
you need patience and the right instinct.

Find comics with potential value