Avengers Comics
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Who are the Avengers?
The Avenger were created because there were threats that could only be defeated by joining forces. In the Marvel event Civil War, the team split into the anti-registration side Secret Avengers and the pro-registration side, which later came together under the name Mighty Avengers. The leader of the Secret Avengers is Luke Cage, the other members are Spider-Man, Dr. Strange, Spider-Woman, Iron Fist and the second Ronin, under whose mask Hawkeye, the former leader of the West Coast Avengers and the Thunderbolts, is found, as well as Echo and Wolverine. Miss Marvel was appointed leader and co-founder of the Mighty Avengers, who now leads Iron Man, the Sentry, Wonder Man, Ares, Black Widow and Wasp. After the Civil War, Amadeus Cho, Jocasta, Stature and the new Vision joined the team. In many films, however, the Avengers group only includes: Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Hulk, Thor and Hawkeye.